Fact Sheets

The following links provide 2-page fact sheets on different components of the AGGP-1 and -2 projects that are used in the Shelterbelt Decision Support System.

Overview of information and early comparisons:

  1. Overview of data analyses used to estimate C stocks in shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  2. Tree and shrub growth comparison in Saskatchewan

Mapping and counting Saskatchewan shelterbelts:

  1. Mapping and quantification of shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  2. White spruce shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  3. Hybrid poplar shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  4. Manitoba maple shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  5. Green ash shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  6. Scots pine shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  7. Caragana shelterbelts in Saskatchewan

Calculating carbon stocks in Saskatchewan shelterbelts:

  1. Carbon stocks in shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  2. White spruce growth and carbon stocks in shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  3. Hybrid poplar growth and carbon stocks in shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  4. Manitoba maple growth and carbon stocks in shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  5. Green ash growth and carbon stocks in shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  6. Scots pine growth and carbon stocks in shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  7. Caragana growth and carbon stocks in shelterbelts in Saskatchewan

Greenhouse gas mitigation and carbon storage in and around shelterbelts:

  1. Keeping shelterbelts for carbon storage and greenhouse gas mitigation
  2. Greenhouse gas gradients from a shelterbelt to the centre of an adjacent cropped field
  3. How much greenhouse gases can be mitigated in a farm by shelterbelt plantings?
  4. Soil organic carbon sequestration for Saskatchewan shelterbelts
  5. Effect of shelterbelts on stabilization and composition of soil organic carbon

History and Economics of Saskatchewan shelterbelts:

  1. Adoption of shelterbelts on Canadian Prairies
  2. Economics of adoption of field shelterbelts on a Saskatchewan farm
  3. Modelling economics of field shelterbelts on a Saskatchewan crop farm
  4. Modelling economics of field shelterbelts on a Saskatchewan livestock farm

Tree-ring descriptions of shelterbelt growth:

  1. Historical and future growth of white spruce shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  2. Historical and future growth of Manitoba maple shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  3. Historical and future growth of green ash shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  4. Historical and future growth of hybrid poplar shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  5. Historical and future growth of Scots pine shelterbelts in Saskatchewan
  6. Historical and future growth of caragana shelterbelts in Saskatchewan

Shelterbelt inventory and removals (2008-2016):

  1. Saskatchewan shelterbelt inventory
  2. Shelterbelt removal in Saskatchewan: An overview (2008-2016)
  3. Shelterbelt removal in the brown soil zone of Saskatchewan (2008-2016)
  4. Shelterbelt removal in the dark brown soil zone of Saskatchewan (2008-2016)
  5. Shelterbelt removal in the black soil zone of Saskatchewan (2008-2016)
  6. Shelterbelt removal in the dark gray soil zone of Saskatchewan (2008-2016)
  7. Shelterbelt removal in the gray soil zone of Saskatchewan (2008-2016)
  8. Automated system for accurate shelterbelt inventory and removal detection

Maximizing carbon stocks in shelterbelts:

  1. Mapping shelterbelt land suitability for maximized ecosystem carbon stocks
  2. Deciduous shelterbelt land suitability for maximized ecosystem carbon stocks
  3. Coniferous shelterbelt land suitability for maximized ecosystem carbon stocks
  4. Shrub shelterbelt land suitability for maximized ecosystem carbon stocks