Interested in learning about shelterbelts? Then this is the page for you! This page, and those connected to it, provide a comprehensive overview of how shelterbelts work ranging from tree growth to their influence on crops.
This component of the website is directly linked to different outputs of the Shelterbelt Planner to help users understand the results of their plans and how our program determines what a suitable shelterbelt is or how future growth is determined.
The below pages contain information to support the Decision Support System as part of the Information Support System
- How Trees Store Carbon
- Herbicide, Fertilizer, Irrigation, Tillage (HFIT)
- Shelterbelt Fact Sheets
- Climate Change on the Prairies
- More Information on Climate Change
- Shelterbelt Planning, Planting, and Maintenance
- Saskatchewan Carbon Credit System
- Shelterbelt Life Phases
- Shelterbelt Primer
- General Information on Shelterbelts
- Supplemental YouTube Videos
- The 6 Main Shelterbelt Species
- The Best Trees For Storing Carbon in Saskatchewan
- What is Climate Change?
- Where to Buy Trees for Shelterbelts
Is something missing from the above pages that you think we should include? Let us know at!
Croptalks 2020 Webinar hosted by USask Agriculture and the Conservation Learning Centre
The below link is a webinar given by Bryan Mood, a researcher that is working hard on the development of the SB-DSS.
“Shelterbelts and You: An internet tool to help you learn about your trees.” Please Note: You will need to register to view the webinar!
YouTube Tutorial Videos
The following video playlist will help you get started using the SB-DSS. It shows how to use each component of the system as provides an example shelterbelt.